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Civil Society TICAD VI in Nairobi (English Page)

What we do at TICAD VI in Nairobi  

(Japanese Page)


6th Tokyo International Conference on African Development will be held in Nairobi on 27th and 28th August. This will be the first TICAD which is hosted in Africa.

Japan Citizen’s Network for TICAD (Afri-Can) has been working hard in order to make TICAD truly meaningful for the citizens of Africa through networking with civil society in Africa, participation in TICAD process including the TICAD VI Preparatory Ministerial Meeting, and advocacy for the TICAD VI outcome documents.

The members of Afri-Can will join the TICAD VI with the members of civil society in Africa, and will host the series of side events as well as the booth at Japan Fair in order to deliver the voices of citizens of Africa and Japan to TICAD VI.

Please come and see our side events and booth if you are at TICAD VI.

CSOs side event at TICAD VI


【26 AUG(FRI)】

1. A New Frontier Towards Achieving the SDGs– Partnership between Private Sector and NGOs for Improving Women’s Health

2. Empowering Refugees: Real Voice of Refugees from Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya, and Humanitarian Assistance by International Community and Japan

3. Symposium on Women’s Health

  • Time:14:00-16:00
  • Organized by:Our SDGs (Japanese network of academic circles and CSOs)
  • For More Details

【27 AUG(SAT)】

4. Securing Farmers’ Rights to Achieve Food Security

5. SDGs in Africa: The Role of TICAD and civil society actors

6. “Leaving no one behind”: Realizing greater outcomes through increased health investment for Africa

7. Rapid urbanisation and climate change: Developing sustainable and resilient water and sanitation infrastructure in Africa

【28 AUG(SUN)】

8. From MDGs to SDGs: The Millennium Promise /Millennium villages experience in Kenya-Siaya County

9. Youth on TICAD VI: Harnessing the power of the youth to build a solid and sustainable foundation for African development

10. The approach of international supportive action using entertainment and media

CSOs booth at Japan Fair, Japan-Africa EXPO at TICAD VI

Afri-Can will host a booth at Japan Fair, which is an official side event held at Kenyatta International Convention Center (KICC) on 27th and 28th August. Please see the good practices of the Japanese NGOs’ projects in Africa.

  • Date: 27 (SAT) and 28 (SUN) August
  • Venue: Kenyatta International Convention Center (KICC)
  • Organized by Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
TICAD VI African and Japanese Civil Society Joint Press Conference

After the adoption of TICAD VI Nairobi Declaration, Afri-Can will host with African Civil Society a joint press conference on estimation on TICAD VI.





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