Youth is the strongest driving force for sustainable developments at the local, national, regional, and international levels, and the coordination and facilitation mechanisms for sustainable development must include, inter alia, voices of children and youth for achieving sustainable developments. In order to achieve sustainable development by youth and for youth, this side event, “ Youth on TICAD VI: Harnessing the power of youth to build a solid foundation for African sustainable development”, aims at raising awareness, advocacy and partnership between and among Japan and Africa. This side event consists of 3 major components; what’s the measures of TICAD been implementing for TICAD, how could youth shape TICAD and Sustainable Development paradigm, and how could partnership go for TICAD and beyond TICAD.
- Date and Time:28 AUG 11h-12h30
- Venue:Laico Regency Hotel
- Organizer:Japan Youth Platform for Sustainability
- Registration: