From MDGs to SDGs: The Millennium Promise/ Millennium Villages Experience in Kenya- Siaya County
Launched in 2005-2006, the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) is an integrated rural development program that addresses the root causes of extreme poverty through a holistic, community-led approach to sustainable development. Its aim is to build systems to deliver critical, basic services for agriculture, health, education, water and sanitation, and thereby contribute towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in low-income rural sub-Saharan African (SSA) villages. Over the past decade, the MVP has been promoting a comprehensive package of low-cost, science-based interventions and practices within the budget structure recommended by the United Nations Millennium Project. The original MVP serves a population of half a million people in 10 countries across SSA, with scale-up initiatives launching throughout the region.
- Date and Time: 28 AUG 9h00-10h30
- Venue: Laico Regency Hotel
- Organizers: Millennium Promise Japan, Millennium Promise
- Registration: