Attainment of SDGs in Africa is the key of Africa’s development. TICAD has a significant role to achieve SDGs in Africa; in the Nairobi Declaration, which will be adopted in TICAD VI, identifies 3 emerging issues as industrialization, health and social stability, and commits to tackle these challenges by prioritizing the people in vulnerability, including youth, women and people with disability. In this symposium, we would like to talk about the role of TICAD to achieve SDGs in Africa, and how civil society and other non-state actors can play a greater role for Africa’s development.
- Date and Time: 27 August 11h00-12h30
- Venue: Laico Regency Hotel
- Organizers: Africa Japan Forum, JOICFP, ACE (Action against Child Exploitation), JTUC-Rengo
- Registration: